F5 LTM VE 10.2.x – Interfaces not recognised

When running the BIG-IP LTM (10.2.3) virtual appliance on ESX4 you may observe that only the management interface is seen by the system.

[root@localhost:Active] config # b interface show
Key     Speed    Pkts Pkts Drop Coll   Bits   Bits Errs Trunk
         Mbps      in  out               in    out
mgmt UP   100 FD  511    8    0    0 266144   5056    0


To resolve this define each interface as vmxnet3 by editing the .vmx file for the given Virtual Machine.

+ ethernet1.virtualDev = “vmxnet3”
+ ethernet2.virtualDev = “vmxnet3”

Once done ensure the the virtual machine is fully powered down (to ensure that the changes take effect). Once rebooted check the interfaces are now seen by the system and passing traffic.

[root@localhost:Active] config # b interface show
Key     Speed    Pkts Pkts Drop Coll   Bits   Bits Errs Trunk
         Mbps      in  out               in    out
1.1  UP   100 FD 2340 2244    0    0 3.111M 12.65M    0
1.2  UP   100 FD  563   17    0    0 594264  10752    0
mgmt UP   100 FD  203   11    0    0 111928   8464    0 

Rick Donato

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