PowerPoint – Error “Cannot create a hyperlink to ^0”


When I try to play a slideshow I get the error,

Cannot create a hyperlink to ^0


This is down to the hlink.dll file being corrupt. The “Official” fix for this is to copy over a new one to system32 and register. You can register this by going to run and executing the command ‘regsvr32 hlink.dll‘.

With this solution I found I ran into various issues such as the file being accessed etc, so you really need to do copy this file over in safe mode. Which isn’t always that easy in a support role. I would say out of the 5 times I have seen this issue, the “Official” fix has worked once. Also keep an eye on making sure you copy over a hlink.dll with the same version.

The quickest and best option I found was to reinstall Office, may be a bit of an overkill, but hey it works.

Further information can be found here www.support.microsoft.com/kb/813726


Rick Donato

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