F5 LTM VE – Unable to attach to PCI device 02:01.00 for Interface 1.1

When running the BIG-IP LTM (10.1) Virtual appliance on ESX4 you may observe the following error message (within the /var/log/message file):

Unable to attach to PCI device 02:02.00 for Interface 1.1

This results in both interfaces forming the status of un-initialized and in turn failing to pass traffic.


To resolve this define each interface as e1000 by editing the .vmx file for the given Virtual Machine.

+ ethernet1.virtualDev = “e1000”
+ ethernet2.virtualDev = “e1000”

Once done ensure the the virtual machine is fully powered down (to ensure that the changes take effect). Once rebooted check the interfaces to ensure that they are now showing a status of initialized and passing traffic.

[root@F5-UNIT1:Active] config # b interface show
Key     Speed    Pkts Pkts Drop Coll   Bits   Bits Errs Trunk
         Mbps      in  out               in    out
1.1  UP   100 FD 2340 2244    0    0 3.111M 12.65M    0
1.2  UP   100 FD  563   17    0    0 594264  10752    0
mgmt UP   100 FD  203   11    0    0 111928   8464    0

Rick Donato

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