We feature technical articles across the entire IT spectrum - CCNA networking, security, operating systems, cloud, and programming.

Mac OSX Docker shows “Cannot connect to the Docker daemon”

Issue When running Docker you may experience the following error, root# docker images Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host? Solution To start the Docker daemon run the following commands. docker-machine start default eval ‘docker-machine env default’ Below is an example, root# docker-machine start default Starting “default”… (default) … Read more

A Beginners Guide to Git

What is Git? Git is a version control system that is used for software development and other version control tasks. As a distributed revision control system it is aimed at speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows[1]. Create Repository To create a new repository, the command git init is used, within your directory. … Read more

What is the Difference Between Docker CMD and ENTRYPOINT ?

Within the world of Docker, CMD and ENTRYPOINT are often the cause of confusion. But why, you may ask? This is because both CMD and ENTRYPOINT are used to execute commands at container run time. But do not fear, my fellow Fir3net reader, in this article we will look at the how the 2 differ … Read more

Automate/Gather Statistics for Multiple Websites in BASH

Introduction For one reason or another, Im sure you will find yourself in a position when you need to obtain statistics for a collection of websites. Today, we will show you steps required in building a BASH script that will do just that. Lets go…. Output Format Within our script we will use curl. Curl … Read more

Cisco ASA – Traffic Sent Out Incorrect Interface Due to NAT

Problem Lets consider the following scenario. We have a firewall with 3 interfaces, Outside, Inside and DMZ. When traffic is sent to the DMZ segment, the NAT rule below is matched. This results in traffic being sent out of the outside interface, rather then out the DMZ interface. Surely this cant be right ! object-group … Read more

How to Resolve a Git Merge Conflict from the Command Line

Git provides 3 types of merging, Fast-Forward, Automatic and Manual. A manual merge is required when git is unable to resolve any conflicts , this results in a merge conflict. Within this example we will generate a merge conflict and then manually resolve from within the command line. File First, lets look at the contents … Read more

How to Colorize the Git Output within your Shell

Git provides various global configuration options for colorizing the output.[1] In order to enable these options, run the following commands. This will, in turn update your ~/.gitconfig file. git config –global color.ui alwaysgit config –global color.branch alwaysgit config –global color.diff alwaysgit config –global color.interactive alwaysgit config –global color.status alwaysgit config –global color.grep alwaysgit config –global … Read more

How to Display your Local Git Branch in your BASH prompt

In order to make your life easier when working with git, this article provides the steps to display the current local git branch within your bash prompt. This not only saves you time, but also prevents the potential for human error by ensuring you are not making changes to the wrong branch. Download Script First … Read more

How to Configure Django + Gunicorn inside Docker

Introduction Gunicorn ‘Green Unicorn’ is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. It’s a pre-fork worker model ported from Ruby’s Unicornproject[1]. Within this article we will look at the steps on how to configure Gunicorn to serve your Django application inside a Docker container. Entrypoint First of all we create a script[2] and name it entrypoint.sh. … Read more